What’s even more absurd is if she’s anything like my son’s girlfriend, she will accuse you of hurting her! It’s likely you will witness several narcissistic reactions when you stand your ground, as well as what psychologists refer to as “narcissistic rage.” This is an adult temper tantrum, similar to what you’d see in a two-year-old who can’t get her way. This is abuse.
Trying to get your morally-disorderd girlfriend to take responsibility for the harm she’s caused you and countless others will likely put an end of your relationship. (Try not to mourn this fake love match for too long. Your life will be much more peaceful without her.) By the time you’ve noticed the relationship is one-sided, it’s already entered the devaluing phase where the abuse really kicks in.
At first, narcopaths (and my son’s girlfriend shows all the signs of one) will idealize you, just like she will your family and friends. However, inevitably, you will do something to “disappoint” her, and the emotional abuse gets into full swing. This is when she removes you from your pedestal and replaces you with someone else or an old ex she can recycle. You may not even be aware that you “disappointed” her. This could be something as simple as laughing it off as a joke when she says she wants your wants your Facebook password, or not jumping up and doing her bidding with a smile on your face. It won’t even cross your mind these are deal breakers, because in a real relationship, they are not deal breakers. Once she begins to devalue you, that’s when you’ll notice more moodiness, coupled with critical remarks and subtle attacks on your character. While you get pre-occupied with trying to prove you are the same guy she claims she fell in love with, she takes the opportunity to conduct a smear campaign against you.

Females carry out their mission of destruction by getting others to turn against you, after they’ve heard outrageous lies about your character, and you’ll never know, because most people won’t confront you with what they heard. These recruits are often referred to as “flying monkeys”. Someone will, though, and it will be at that moment you realize she was spreading lies and gossip about you. She does this to feel powerful and to garner sympathy. By all means, confront her with how you feel about her abusive and manipulative ways. If you don’t then you’ll forever be walking on eggshells, worried the least little tiff will spell doom for your relationship. Get a little perspective here. Normal relationships aren’t like this.

Normal relationships are based on love and trust and give and take. If she doesn’t SHOW you she loves you, and you KNOW she can’t be trusted to be loyal to you, and she never gives anything to the relationship, but takes everything, then why are you even concerned. Kick her out of your life. Will it hurt? It probably will, but it won’t hurt near as long as staying in an abusive one-sided relationship with a narcopath, now, will it? Above all, don’t expect an apology, or any real change on her part. Any promises of change she makes are only to fool you. Has she kept ANY promises she’s made to you thus far? No.