
Make Your Relationship Better – How Consideration Can Build A Relationship That Lasts

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People come to me all the time and ask how they can make their relationships better. I have a simple formula that works like magic. All you have to do is just put it into practice and you will see what I mean. I call it the three c's. Let me tell you about them. The first c is cooperation and I talked about it in a previous writing. The second is consideration and that is what we are going to talk about today. Finally there is comfort which I will discuss in a future blog post or article.

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What does it really mean to be considerate? In a nut shell being considerate is just showing regard for another person's feelings or circumstances. The easier way to think of it is to look at it like this. When you are being considerate you are taking into account that you are not walking in their shoes so you have no idea what it is really like. You are looking at all the obstacles in their way and taking time to think about how this might affect them.

Considerate people do not snap back when their partner is a little short with them. They take into consideration that the partner has had a hard day and that they probably are not meaning to be short. Considerate people listen more than others because they know that the other person has their own unique set of problems and the only way to understand them is to ask and listen. Considerate people complain less and help out more.
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I heard a doctor on the radio today say "it is a scientific fact that husbands that do more housework get more sex than other husbands." I posted this up on Facebook and the resounding response (primarily from women) was "DUH!" If you are considerate with your partner you will find that the rewards are exponential. Being considerate, like the other two c's, is not hard. It is just something you have to keep on your mind and focus on.

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Being considerate is the best way to grow your relationship into the healthy partnership that you desire, well it's the best way if you include the other two c's with it. Read more and find out about how comfort is the final c that brings it all together! With the three c's you will find your relationship growing and more healthy that you might have otherwise believed.

Source by Jason C. Maxwell
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Diamond Platnumz

The Rolls Royce Musician From East Africa |Tanzania|C.E.O of WCB Wasafi